Do I need a freelance writer?
I mean, if you’re not sure, just get in contact! I’ll talk to you, for free and with no obligation.
I’m assuming you have a message you want to convey, a story to tell. You’re in the right place because I’m a professional storyteller! I help organisations tell their story in an engaging, authentic way.
It may be that you have some words or themes already in mind and need someone to convey your message. Alternatively, you may have no idea at all and need a bit of inspiration. Either way, I can help.
What I can help with
There are lots of versions of freelance writing but what I do is a mixture of:
Writing things from scratch that tell my client’s story. Things like blog posts, press releases, client case studies, email mailers and articles.
This is where I review what’s already been written, take away any filler phrases, check the spelling, punctuation and grammar and rewrite small sections to improve the overall piece. I edit things like reports, website content, newsletters, marketing material etc.
This is the social media stuff. I review a client’s social media presence, create an analytics report and write a social media plan based on your objectives. I also manage social media accounts and write those all-important captions.
What’s Involved?
I like to work in collaboration with my clients and most importantly, to have fun. The initial discussion about your project involves you doing a lot of the talking! Don’t worry, I have all the questions. I’m keen to understand you, your business and your audience.
Following that initial chat, we’ll agree an outline brief and I’ll provide a firm and realistic price and timescale for the project. If additional work is needed as the project develops, we can discuss and agree on it together. Simple as that!