I’ve been actively engaging in activities that are meant to improve your well-being because right now, it’s what I need. So I’m trying meditation (not going so well), exercise (does walking back and forth to the fridge count?), and talking therapy (the jury is out on that one). As part of this quest, I figured I might as well give complimentary therapy a whirl. If it’s good enough for the Chinese, it’s good enough for me. I stumbled across Steve Hunt Reflexology via Instagram and have been following him for a while. It’s interesting to see a male in this field, his testimonial videos were engaging and he’s round the corner from me – perfect.
I didn’t expect a great deal other than a nice treatment. I know I enjoy pedicures and massages and figured this would be along those lines. Steve welcomed me into the treatment room and explained that reflexology is the theory that there are points on your feet (and head as I later discover) that are linked to every part of the body. Your feet are essentially like a map and by stimulating certain points through massage, you can relieve tension and treat illness. Now, I had been experiencing really bad stomach pains for about 4 days leading up to the treatment. It was a lot like period pain and had been pretty uncomfortable. I decided not to tell Steve and to see if he spotted it. Let’s see if this reflexology thing is actually legitimate!!
Because Steve and I had been connected through social media for a while, he knew that I had been experiencing anxiety and a challenging time in terms of my mental health and was really sensitive to it. He explained that while he normally works quietly, he knows that quiet can be overwhelming and invited me to talk I needed to. I thought that was really considerate and not something that I expected.
So there I am, lying back in an extremely comfortable chair, beautiful smelling Neal’s Yard candle on the go, relaxing music, wrapped up in a big fluffy blanket. What’s not to like at this point? Then comes the treatment. Very gently and systematically, Steve made small massaging movements on my feet. It was very relaxing and I don’t really remember much of it because I zoned out. Steve later explained that people do fall asleep and I could definitely see why!
When the treatment had finished, I felt like I could definitely sleep and decided to have a nap once I got home. The weird thing was, I actually felt relaxed but energised. So much so, that after I got home, I went straight back out again for a walk round the park in the sunshine. And the stomach ache that had been blighting me had completely gone and didn’t return. Steve told me that reflexology is excellent for PMS, the menopause, back pain, sleep issues, sinus problems, stress, the list is endless really. “Can you diagnose health conditions?” I asked, testing if Steve had spotted my stomach ache. “We shouldn’t do that really. We’re not allowed to diagnose even if we pick up on something but we can focus on areas if we’re advised of a certain ailment.” (This guy is legit. No blagging or money spinning here)
I love having my feet massaged but if you’re not into having your feet touched, facial reflexology is also a thing. Steve does the facial reflexology with Neal’s Yard organic, natural products and the process sounds similar to a facial but with the reflexology spin. Definitely something to try out next. “What else do you do?” (I’m getting into this now, mentally booking in appointments). Steve tells me about the Zone Face Lift which is a 12 week non-invasive course of treatment known to reduce the signs of aging. The next day I scrutinise my face in the mirror, desperate to find wrinkles that could justify pampering myself every week. No luck, damn my good genes!
So far, out of all of the well-being boosting tactics, this is by far my favourite. The Chinese were definitely on to something.