I started the blog as a hobby. A way of letting out my thoughts and anonymously sharing a bit of me with the world. Writing is now my career and as a freelancer, it has taken me away from the blog (which was never monetized). I loved writing the blog and got so many lovely messages from around the world about how my words had helped people.
But, given that I’m not a traditional beauty, lifestyle, fashion, travel or parenting blogger, (who essentially review products for payment), I needed a way to write the blog and earn money. Especially as the pandemic has seen me lost two-thirds of my income. So, after encouragement from my Instagram community, I set up Patreon.
It’s a simple concept; members choose a monthly payment tier and support my writing financially in exchange for written and video content. So, as much as I hate to take the blog offline as it were, I won’t be posting any blog posts here for the foreseeable and will instead be focussing on content via Patreon.
If you do enjoy my words and would like to support, you can access a monthly newsletter and blog post via my basic tier for only £3 a month. There are two other tiers which mean you’ll get the blog plus lots of other great content too.
I want to thank everyone who has supported me, read any of my words and shared my work. You’ve been ace and I hope to see you over on Patreon.
To join my Patreon community, click here